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[HKIAC] Procedural War Stories and Technology in Arbitration_9/19(Thu)_12:30PM_Seoul IDRC

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작성일19-09-09 17:57


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Procedural War Stories and Technology in Arbitration
HK45 & KCAB Next Seminar, and HKIAC Seminar
Sep 19, 2019
(12:30 PM - 5:30 PM)
Seoul IDRC
24F, Trade Tower, Seoul, South Korea
HK45 & KCAB Next Seminar: Technical innovation in international arbitration: how is new technology changing arbitration?

  • Registration and Refreshments: 12:30 – 13:00
  • Seminar Time: 13:00 – 14:35

KCAB Next & HK45 invite you to this event designed to be interactive and to provide an opportunity for all participants to share news and views on how new technology is impacting the practice of international arbitration. On the day, participants will be invited to debate in a "World Café" format and engage in a general discussion under the guidance of experienced moderators and guest speakers.

HKIAC Seminar: Procedural war stories - Lessons learned

  • Registration and Refreshments: 14:35 – 15:00
  • Seminar Time: 15:00 – 17:00
  • Networking: 17:00 - 17:30

The aim of the session is for expert panelists to share experience-based procedural issues they have been faced with in arbitration proceedings and the lessons learnt.

You can register for one event or both events using the registration link.

Chiann Bao

Chiann Bao
Independent Arbitrator at Arbitration Chambers

Edern Coënt

Edern Coënt
Foreign Legal Consultant at Kim & Chang

Sarah Grimmer

Sarah Grimmer
Secretary-General at HKIAC

Dana Kim

Dana Kim
Of Counsel at Herbert Smith Freehills

Michael Lee

Michael Lee
International Commercial Arbitrator at 20 Essex Chambers

Seungmin Lee

Seungmin Lee
Partner at Shin & Kim

Suehyun Lim

Suehyun Lim
Secretary-General at KCAB International

Lars Markert

Lars Markert
Partner at Nishimura & Asahi

Mike McClure

Mike McClure
Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills

Joel Richardson

Joel Richardson
Attorney at Kim & Chang

Kim Rooney

Kim Rooney
Arbitrator and Barrister at Gilt Chambers

Lester Schiefelbein

Lester Schiefelbein
CEO & Founder of Schiefelbein Global Dispute Resolution

Sungjean Seo

Sungjean Seo
Attorney at Kim & Chang

Zachary Sharpe

Zachary Sharpe
Partner at Jones Day

Winnie Tam SC, JP

Winnie Tam SC, JP
Deputy Head at Des Voeux Chambers

Robert Wachter

Robert Wachter
Attorney at Lee & Ko

Thomas Walsh

Thomas Walsh
Partner at Clifford Chance

Kellie Yi

Kellie Yi
Counsel at HKIAC
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