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[Thomson Reuters] ALB Virtual Korea Corporate Compliance Forum 2021_4/15(Thu) 9:15AM

페이지 정보

작성일21-04-07 16:54


Register to attend ALB Virtual Korea Corporate Compliance Forum 2021 on 15 April to learn how to better manage the ever-increasing compliance obligations and major regulatory changes in both South Korea and abroad.

Prepare your legal questions and get them discussed by expert speakers to help you stay abreast of the corporate law changes that can affect your organization in 2021 and beyond. 


Note: Registration is complimentary for all in-house lawyers and compliance professionals only. 

Programme Agenda

ALB Virtual Korea Corporate Compliance Forum 2021
15 April, Virtual | 9:15am, KST
  1. Legal and Compliance Trends in 2021 – What Should Be on Radar of In-house Counsel? 
  2. Convergence of Cyber Crime and Cyber Espionage (Presented by AlixPartners)
  3. Online and Digital Platforms in Korea – Grappling with the Coming Act on Fair Transactions on Online Platform (Presented by D'Light Law Group)
  4. Paradigm Shifts in Corporate Governance and Internal Control: Transforming to Fit the Digital Economy 


Hear from the high-quality line up of speakers include:
Event Chairperson
David Lee
Managing Counsel, International Legal Team
KSOE (previously Hyundai Heavy Industries)
Kenny Um
Director, Head of Legal Korea
Applied Materials
Chung Jin Chung
Senior Legal Counsel
Korea Gas Corporation
Michael Welch
Chan Woo SUNG
Senior Foreign Attorney
D'Light Law Group
Ji-Hyun Cho
Legal, Compliance & Quality Director
Novo Nordisk Korea
Dae Young KIM
Head of Compliance Korea
BNP Paribas Bank
Lee Hwa Kyung
Global Compliance Officer 
Line Corporation
Seongsuk Shin (Vivi)
Head of Ethics and Business Integrity and Country Compliance Officer
Sanofi Korea
And more
ALB's virtual platform will enable making connections, setting up private one-to-one chatting and meeting, ensuring you meet and have meaningful conversations. Visit our website to view more.
후원로펌 세미나 소식 목록
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게시물 검색

사단법인 인하우스카운슬포럼 In-House Counsel Forum

주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 625, 17층 | 고유번호 : 107-82-14795| 대표자 : 양재선| 대표전화 : 02-6091-1998

E-mail : reps@ihcf.co.kr


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