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[법무법인 광장] Recent Changes to the Employment Laws

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작성일18-07-06 19:33


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Lee & Ko

Recent Changes to the Labor Standards Act, Equal Employment Opportunity and Work-Family Balance Assistance Act (“Equal Employment Act”), the Disability Employment Act, Etc.

Recently, Korea has experienced major changes to the employment laws. Here are some of the most significant changes that may impact your business operations.


Greater Annual Paid Leave Entitlement



New Leave Catering to Employees Seeking Pregnancy (Fertility Treatment Leave)



Expanded Eligibility for Childcare Leave

Eligible employees are entitled to a childcare leave of up to one (1) year (the “Childcare Leave”) or in lieu thereof, the employee may request for a reduction of work hours (the “Workhour Reduction”) in accordance with the law. Childcare Leaves are unpaid.



Greater Protection for Workplace Sexual Harassment Victims



Mandatory Disability Awareness Training at Workplace



Expansion of the Scope of Anti-Discrimination Statutes


If you have any questions on the amendments identified above, including how they may impact your business, please do not hesitate to contact Lee & Ko.


Sang Hoon LEE

Sang Hoon LEE
T: 82.2.772.4345


Jae Hoon CHOI

Jae Hoon CHOI
T: 82.2.2191.3019


Chang Soo JIN

T: 82.2.772.5944
E:william.kim @leeko.com


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