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[White & Case] The UK votes to leave the EU. What happens now?

페이지 정보

작성일16-07-04 09:44



On 28 June White & Case hosted an online panel event to discuss the implications of the UK's vote to leave the EU. White & 

Case partners were joined by Anthony Hilton of the Evening Standard and the Independent and Dr Martin Lück of BlackRock. 

The panel covered the impact of the referendum across the EU, the likely impact on the economy and financial markets in the

short and medium term and how the legal process will move forward.



The video of the webinar is available on the whitecase.com website here: http://www.whitecase.com/publications/video/uk-votes-leave-eu-what-happens-now



Anthony Hilton, Financial Editor, Evening Standard and The Independent

Dr. Martin Lück, Chief Investment Strategist for Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe, BlackRock

Charles Balmain, Partner, London

Henning Berger, Partner, Berlin

Oliver Brettle, Partner, London

Sir Nicolas Forwood, Counsel, Brussels

Cenzi Gargaro, Partner, Paris

Brexit Checklist

Download our checklist of some key questions businesses should consider in their initial planning phase.

Task Force

Meet our Brexit Task Force.

For more information, please contact White & Case’s Seoul office.

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