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[IHCF] 2015 “FALL ACADEMY” and “SAF Closing Reception”

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작성일15-09-21 17:36


2015 IHCF “FALL ACADEMY” and “SAF Closing Reception”

Hosting Organization : In-House Counsel Forum (“IHCF”)

Date : 6th November 2015

Time : 17:00 ~ 21:00 (16:30: Registration begins)

Venue : Intercontinental Seoul COEX (HL/B1 Vivace & Allegro)

Registration : ihcf_email@naver.com

(Please send us participant’s name, affiliate, position and contact info as seating is limited)

The In-House Counsel Forum ("IHCF", http://www.ihcf.co.kr) is a forum that promotes the common
professional and business interests of in-house counsels who work for corporations, associations,
governments and other private-sector organizations through information sharing, education, and
networking opportunities. Since its establishment in 1998, IHCF has long been successfully
operated by its dedicated members with more than 1,300 members currently.

IHCF has traditionally hosted two academies for its members yearly - Spring and Fall Academy - which
provided a venue for extensive information sharing and networking opportunities. For this year, IHCF is
delighted to host its Fall Academy as part of Seoul ADR Festival (“SAF”) for its members as well as
participants of SAF. Six law firms - three Korean firms and three global firms - will provide their
presentations in various topics including arbitration this time and anyone who is interested will be
welcomed to participate in the following program.
IHCF is also delighted to host closing reception of SAF for its participants and extensive networking
opportunities will be provided in the same venue.

Time Session1 (Korean) Session2 (English)
16:30-17:00 Registration


  Watch your Step : Practical considerations for
  corporate counsel in drafting arbitration
  agreements and how to avoid the pitfalls
  of pathological arbitration clauses

Speaker: David Kim



  Trade sanctions and export controls

  Speaker: Soo-Mi Rhee

17:45-17:55 Break Time


  Presenting your case: What in-house counsel
  should know about preparing submissions,
  evidence and witnesses

  Speakers: Sae Youn Kim, Hyung Keun Lee



  Trade Secret Misappropriation

  Speakers: Justin Park, Seong H. Kim

18:40-18:50 Break Time


  Recent regulation trend and action plan for
  Personal Information Protection Act

  Speaker: Tae Uk Kang



  How to get the best result out of an
  arbitration - guidance for in-house

  Speakers: James Doe, Brenda Horrigan




SAF Closing Reception

(Standing Buffet & Beer Bar)

(*open to all who register for the SAF)


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게시물 검색

사단법인 인하우스카운슬포럼 In-House Counsel Forum

주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 625, 17층 | 고유번호 : 107-82-14795| 대표자 : 박철영| 대표전화 : 02-6091-1998

E-mail : reps@ihcf.co.kr


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