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후원로펌 현황

후원로펌 세미나 소식 목록
번호 제목 날짜
435 [IBA] IBA Rule of Law Symposium 2019_9/27(금)_COEX Convention & Exhibition Center 2019-07-29
434 [LCIA] Asia Pacific Users' Council Symposium_9/22(일) 10AM_Intercontinental Grand Seoul Parnas 첨부파일 2019-07-22
433 [IBA] 2019 IBA Corporate Counsel Forum Breakfast_9/25(수)_7:45-9:15AM_COEX Convention & Exhibition Center 첨부파일 2019-07-01
432 [DLA Piper] Document Production in Arbitration - How to retain confidentiality_6/12(수)_12-1:30PM_DLA Piper LLP (US) 서울 사무소 첨부파일 2019-06-03
431 [Herbert Smith Freehills] Cyber Security Seminar on Cross Industry Technologies_6/13(목)_1PM-6PM_주한영국대사관 Aston Hall 2019-05-29
430 [KCAB] INHERENT POWERS OF ARBITRATORS_6/10(월)_3:20PM~6:10_Seoul IDRC 2019-05-16
429 [Paul Hastings] A Discussion on U.S. Anti-Bribery Law and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Compliance Program_6/12(Wed)_12PM_Paul Hastings Seoul Office 2019-05-16
428 [Lawnb] M&A거래의 주요 분쟁사례 및 대응방안_6/12(수)_10AM~5PM_그랜드하얏트 서울 2019-05-15
427 [한국여성변호사회] 제 3기 미래여성지도자아카데미_5/20(월)_7PM_변호사회관 2019-05-15
426 [로앤비] 6월 오프라인 개설과정 안내 2019-05-15
425 [APMAC Supporting Event] SCMA 10th Anniversary Conference : THE RACE TO RELEVANCE_10/4(금)_ Singapore Conrad Centennial Hotel 2019-05-15
424 [KIPLA] 제5회 한국지적재산권변호사협회 국제세미나_5/27(월)_14:00~17:10_포스코 P&S타워 2019-05-10
423 [Paul Hastings] Recent Developments and Trends in U.S. Patent Litigation and Post-Grant Proceedings_5/28(Tue)_12PM_Paul Hastings Seoul Office 2019-05-09
422 [법무법인 세종] 중국 현지법인 구조조정에 관한 법률상 쟁점 및 유의사항_5/30(목)_4PM_광화문 D타워 법무법인 세종 23층 세미나실 2019-05-08
421 [KCAB] 7th FDI Moot Asia-Pacific Regional Rounds_8/20(화)~8/23(금) 2019-05-07
게시물 검색

사단법인 인하우스카운슬포럼 In-House Counsel Forum

주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 625, 17층 | 고유번호 : 107-82-14795| 대표자 : 박철영| 대표전화 : 02-6091-1998

E-mail : reps@ihcf.co.kr


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