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[DLA Piper] The Strategy of Costs in International Arbitration - how to minimise those costs and an update on current trends_6/7(수) 7PM_DLA Piper

페이지 정보

작성일17-06-01 14:36


The 23rd DLA Piper Seminar Series


DLA Piper 서울 사무소는 6 7 (국제중재비용을 최소화하는 방법과 중재비용 회수전략 관련 동향에 대한 

세미나 DLA Piper 런던 사무소의 중재/소송 전문 파트너들과 함께 개최합니다자세한 내용은 아래 세미나 개요를 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.

관심 있는 변호사님들의 많은 참석을 부탁 드립니다.



Title: " The Strategy of Costs in International Arbitration - how to minimise 

those costs and an update on current trends"




Large-scale arbitrations can be expensive processes.  However, the advantage to arbitrating pursuant to Common law (excluding the USA) is that the costs of the arbitration are recoverable in addition to the damages awarded.  The 

successful party is likely to recover, in our experience, approximately 90% of its costs.  This is in contrast to the 

position in many civil law jurisdictions.


There are also a number of ways of using the issue of costs - including sealed offers - to apply pressure to the 

opponent, with the aim of forcing settlement on advantageous terms.  Even where not successful, such strategies help to protect the party in question when it comes to the final award - reducing the overall risk exposure.  Recent 

developments in the approach to the recoverability of the costs of Third Party Funding also provide a significant 

strategic opportunity to the party in question - again to apply pressure to the opponent, remove the costs of 

funding the arbitration from the balance sheet and recover the funding costs from the opponent.


This talk will address those issues and identify how to recover virtually all costs expended in arbitrations conducted 

under the ICC, LCIA and other institutional rules. 




Mark Hilton, DLA Piper London

Edward Shaw, DLA Piper London

 (첨부파일 참고)




[일시] 6 7 (), 저녁 7 - 9시 (저녁 식사는 6:30 부터 제공 됩니다)

[장소] DLA Piper LLP US 서울 사무소 (서울 중구 수하동 을지로 5 26, 미래에셋 센터원 서관 32)

[RSVP] DLA Piper 서울 사무소의 노은송 대리에게 6 5 () 오후 5시까지 연락 주시기를 부탁 드립니다.  (alice.noh@dlapiper.com / 02-6270-8822)



*장소가 협소 한 관계로 선착순으로 25명까지로 제한 할 수 밖에 없음을 양해 해 주시기 바랍니다

혹시라도 예기치 못 한 사정으로 예약 후 참석이 어려우시면 번거로우시더라도 다시 연락 주시어 대기자에게 

순서가 돌아 갈 수 있도록 도와 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

*CLE credit 2시간 신청 예정입니다



MCLE Information:

California: This activity has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of 

California in the amount of 2.0 hours in the General category. DLA Piper certifies that this activity conforms to the 

standards for approved education activities prescribed in the rules and regulations of the State Bar of California 

governing minimum continuing legal education.

New York: This nontransitional and transitional continuing legal education program has been approved in accordance with the requirements of the Continuing Legal Education Board for a maximum of 2.0 credit hours, of which 2.0 credit 

hours can be applied toward the Professional Practice requirement.

New Jersey: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of 

New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit.  Of these, 2.4 qualify as hours of credit toward the General category. 

CLE credit will be applied for in other states where DLA Piper has an office except in Minnesota, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

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