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[American Bar Association] The New Engine of Growth in Asia Conference: Investment and Technology_10/17(수)~19(금)_Korea University

페이지 정보

작성일18-08-21 12:42



Dear IHCF Members,


You are cordially invited to attend the American Bar Association Section of International Law Seoul Conference, which will be held Oct. 17-19, 2018, at Korea University here in Seoul.


In addition to the 2.5 days of substantive programming and networking with participants from around the globe, the Seoul Conference will feature The Hon. Harry Harris, US Ambassador to the Rep. of Korea, and The Hon. Robert Pittenger, US House of Representatives (chief sponsor of the House bill on the CFIUS reform measure, which was recently signed into law).  Also, The Hon. Sung Kim, US Ambassador to the Philippines, has been invited to speak, while our chairman, Edward Dhong, will be speaking on the first panel of the conference. For latest program information/brochure, please see attached or access it online by clicking here.


For US-licensed lawyers, this meeting provides the opportunity for them to earn up to 14 CLE credit hours. For delegates from other countries where CPD/CLE is mandatory, the ABA will provide a Uniform Certificate of Attendance which, subject to the exact CPD/CLE requirements of the specific bar association/law society, may be used to obtain the equivalent accreditation in your jurisdiction.


Registration:  Please use the attached registration form and return your completed form by mail or by e-mail to intlawmeetings@americanbar.org. The form can also be accessed online by clicking hereEarly bird discount rates are available until Sept. 8th


Thank you. 


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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(사)인하우스카운슬포럼 In-House Counsel Forum

주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 625, 17층

고유번호 : 107-82-14795 | 대표자 : 박철영

대표번호 : 02-6091-1998

E-mail : reps@ihcf.co.kr


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