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[Herbert Smith Freehills] Seminar on Political Intervention in M&A_11/13(Tue)_2:30PM_Yulchon LLC

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작성일18-10-30 15:25





13 NOVEMBER 2018

Seminar on Political Intervention in M&A


We are witnessing a global political trend towards increasing regulation of foreign investment. A number of countries are starting to strengthen their foreign investment regimes and/or intervene more regularly in deals to impose conditions on the purchaser or even prohibit the deal. The concept of “national security” that can be protected under these regimes has evolved from a traditional reference to defence-related activities and critical infrastructure to a far more expansive definition including critical technologies. At the same time, some countries in Asia have started to liberalise parts of their foreign investment regimes.

We have put together a panel of our foreign investment regulation experts, who will discuss:

  • The general political themes driving this change;

  • Details of the regimes (and proposed changes) from our experts based in South Korea, China, the US, UK, Belgium (the European Union), France, Germany and South Africa; and

  • Practical tips on how to get your deal through these foreign investment controls successfully in these more uncertain times.


Tuesday 13 November 2018


2.30pm – Registration
3.00pm to 6.00pm – Seminar
6.00pm – Drinks reception


*Simultaneous translation will be provided.





Yulchon LLC
Parnas Tower, 38F, 521 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06164


Please click the RSVP link below by Friday 9 November to secure your place at the event.

*3 NY and CA CLE points have been applied for this seminar, pending registration approval.


Dongho Lee, Managing Partner - Korea, Herbert Smith Freehills
James Robinson, Partner, New York, Herbert Smith Freehills
Kyriakos Fountoukakos, Partner, Brussels, Herbert Smith Freehills
Veronica Roberts, Partner, London, Herbert Smith Freehills
Joseph Falcone, Partner, New York, Herbert Smith Freehills
Jean Meijer, Partner, Johannesburg, Herbert Smith Freehills
Karen Ip, Partner, Beijing, Herbert Smith Freehills
Jin Kook Lee, Partner, Yulchon LLC


Seung-Min Lee, Partner, Yulchon LLC



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(사)인하우스카운슬포럼 In-House Counsel Forum

주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 625, 17층

고유번호 : 107-82-14795 | 대표자 : 박철영

대표번호 : 02-6091-1998

E-mail : reps@ihcf.co.kr


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