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[법무법인 율촌] Licensing IP to Competitors: Antitrust Risks in Patent Pools, Standard-Setting Organizations, and Cross-License Agreements_11/16(금)_3PM_파르나스타워 38층

페이지 정보

작성일18-11-12 15:50


We are pleased to invite you to a seminar entitled "Licensing IP to Competitors: Antitrust Risks in Patent Pools, Standard-Setting Organizations, and Cross-License Agreements" at 3 pm on Friday, November 16, 2018 on the 38th floor conference room at the offices of Yulchon. 

This joint seminar with the U.S. law firm of Jenner & Block will feature a presentation by Mr. Shaun M. Van Horn, a partner at Jenner & Block's Chicago office specializing in matters concerning the intersection of antitrust and IP. 

After the presentation, a round-table question and answer session will be held with partners from Yulchon's IP and Antitrust Practice Groups to address questions regarding the intersection of IP and antitrust law. 

The seminar promises to be a wonderful chance to learn about recent developments on IP and antitrust law and to freely discuss and exchange opinions. 

Your attendance would be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
DateFriday November 16, 2018YCL_btn_calendar.png
Time3 pm - 6 pm
38th Floor*, Parnas Tower
521 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, KoreaYCL_btn_map.png
*Please stop by YULCHON LLC's reception desk on the 1st floor of the building to register your arrival and gain access to the elevator to the 38th floor.
Topics:"Licensing IP to Competitors: Antitrust Risks in Patent Pools, Standard-Setting Organizations, and Cross-License Agreements"
Speaker:Shaun M. Van Horn, Partner, Jenner & Block
Roundtable:Shaun M. Van Horn, Partner, Jenner & Block
Sang Tae Jeong, Partner, Yulchon LLC
Cecil Saehoon Chung, Senior Foreign Counsel, Yulchon LLC
Official Language: English
CLE pre-approved for New York, California, and Illinois
Kindly RSVP using the button above or CLICK HERE by November 14.
For any questions, please contact event@yulchon.com.


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주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 625, 17층

고유번호 : 107-82-14795 | 대표자 : 박철영

대표번호 : 02-6091-1998

E-mail : reps@ihcf.co.kr


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