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[KCAB] Korean Arbitration Night_4/1(월)_7PM_Allen&Overy, HongKong

페이지 정보

작성일19-03-07 07:54


Korean Arbitration Night

Demystifying the Arbitral Tribunal - Arbitrator selection, challenge and dynamics
As part of the Vis-East Week in Hong Kong, KCAB INTERNATIONAL is pleased to invite you to an enjoyable yet enlightening evening of panel discussion and networking on Monday 1st April.

The eminent arbitration experts from both Korea and Hong Kong will help the attendees “demystify” the Arbitral Tribunal by debating various topics such as the factors to be considered by institutions and practitioners when selecting arbitrators, the grounds and process for challenging arbitrators and the tribunal dynamics.

Drinks and nibbles will be served to fuel this vibrant discussion on the ever-topical issue in arbitration.
  • Date & Time : Monday, 1st April 2019 (7 - 9 pm)
  • Venue : Allen & Overy, Hong Kong (9th Floor, Three Exchange Square, Central) 

* 해당 첨부파일은 2019년 03월 20일 까지 다운로드 가능합니다.
   ( Following attached files can be downloaded until 20.Mar.2019 )
후원로펌 세미나 소식 목록
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주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 625, 17층 | 고유번호 : 107-82-14795| 대표자 : 박철영| 대표전화 : 02-6091-1998

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