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[Herbert Smith Freehills] Women in Arbitration virtual panel event_11/3(화)_6:30PM

페이지 정보

작성일20-10-28 15:31






The Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB), Herbert Smith Freehills and Kim & Chang cordially invite you to this year's Women in Arbitration Virtual Panel Event held on Tuesday 3 November 2020. The event will be held online.

Now in its third year, the event aims to provide a forum for female professionals in the Korean arbitration community to network with their industry peers, discuss current topics, and develop the next generation of leading female practitioners.

This year, we are pleased to feature an interview with Ms Hilary Heilbron QC of Brick Court Chambers, who will be sharing her insights and experience, followed by panel discussion.

We are also delighted to announce that we are launching the first KCAB Committee on Diversity & Inclusion during this event.

Please register through the link below to reserve your place at this topical event. Attendance is free of charge. 


Tuesday 3 November 2020


6:30pm Event begins

7:30pm Event concludes


This year's event will be held virtually. Register now though the link below, and you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to the virtual event. 


Please email arbitration_news@kimchang.com should you have any inquiries regarding the event.


*This event is a part of the Seoul ADR Festival 2020, and supported by KCAB INTERNATIONAL.
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