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[Kim & Chang] Kim & Chang - BRG : Legal and Practical Consequences of COVID on Valuation & How to Preserve Your Claim_11/4(Wed)_4PM

페이지 정보

작성일20-11-03 14:08




Kim & Chang and Berkeley Research Group (BRG) are delighted to invite you to the Webinar on Legal and Practical    Issues on Valuation: Legal and Practical Consequences of COVID on Valuation & How to Preserve Your Claim 

in accordance with Seoul ADR Festival (SAF) 2020.


Composed of various sessions addressing the process of dispute resolution from diverse perspectives, SAF provides a platform for legal professionals, academics, and users to gather and exchange ideas on how to accommodate better the growing demand for ADR services and develop dispute resolution practices around the world.


BRG, as a global consulting firm, helps leading organizations advance in three key areas: disputes and investigations, corporate finance, and performance improvement and advisory.


With experts from BRG, Kim & Chang aims to provide practical tips on how to successfully manage disputes from

litigation funder’s perspective together with a panel from Omni Bridgeway, a global dispute finance firm. Internationally renowned figures in international arbitration including Byung-Chol (B.C.) Yoon of Kim & Chang, Neil Kaplan CBE QC

SBS of Arbitration Chambers, John Trenor of WilmerHale and Una Cho of Kim & Chang will also discuss how to

successfully preserve various claims.


As a part of Seoul ADR Festival 2020, this webinar will especially feature leading figures across the arbitration

spectrum, including a leading arbitrator, arbitration counsel, valuation & damages experts, and a litigation funder.


Join us for this webinar to share developments in international arbitration and to discuss how to resolve international

disputes effectively.


n  Date : 4 November 2020, Wednesday

n  Time : 16:00 – 17:30 (KST)

n  Format : Virtual (Webex)

n  Registration: Click Here


Please also note that the webinar will be conducted in English. For further information regarding this event, please

contact Dan Tilbury (dtilbury@thinkbrg.com) or Kim & Chang Arbitration News (arbitration_news@kimchang.com).


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