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[IAKL] How to Effectively Manage the Costs of the Discovery Process in Cross-border Litigations_6/28(월) 9PM_온라인 세미나

페이지 정보

작성일21-06-26 11:17



We are pleased to announce our webinar, hosted by Kobre & Kim, in partnership with the IAKL will take place on Monday, June 28, 2021. 

How to effectively manage the costs of the discovery process 
in cross-border litigations

June 28 at 9:00 pm Korea 
June 28 at 12:00 pm GMT 

Korean companies are facing a higher volume of complex outbound disputes, forcing them to grapple with legal discovery and all of the hazards that come with this instrumental yet costly component of cross-border litigation. From managing requests of massive amounts of electronically stored information as well as managing and producing numerous witnesses and custodians, these companies often enter into litigation without fully appreciating the financial and operational impact of the discovery process. 

Join us in a virtual event featuring conversation with some of the leading discovery professionals in Korea.  

Daniel S. Lee - Lawyer, Kobre & Kim
Sean Jeong - Corporate Counsel, LG Display
Angie Cho - Account Executive, Intellectual Data
Moses Sye - Legal Counsel, Hyundai Corporation Holdings

In this event, Moses Sye will ask Sean Jeong to share his experience with the discovery process in cross-border litigations. The discussion will, in  particular, probe the sensitive yet critical issue of understanding and managing the costs of the discovery process from an in-house counsel’s perspective. Moses Sye will talk to Daniel Lee about the general rules that underpin the common law based discovery system for the purposes of sharing practical tips that help effectively manage discovery costs. In conversation with Angie Cho, Moses Sye will be discussing how the use of technology can significantly contribute to further this aim.  


Registration required. Please Join us by registering here

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게시물 검색

사단법인 인하우스카운슬포럼 In-House Counsel Forum

주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 625, 17층 | 고유번호 : 107-82-14795| 대표자 : 박철영| 대표전화 : 02-6091-1998

E-mail : reps@ihcf.co.kr


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