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후원로펌 현황

11/18 14:00~17:05 IP Litigation Trend in US and Counterstrategy for Korean Companies (Renaissance Seoul Hotel)

페이지 정보

작성일14-11-07 10:00


Dykema, BKL, UBIC IP Seminar for in-house lawyers:

“IP Litigation Trend in US and Counterstrategy for Korean Companies”

     l  Registration Fee: Free

l  CLE: 2.5 Credit Provided

l  Registration: Click to register or email to semiar@ubic.co.kr


l  Topic: “IP Litigation Trend in US and Counterstrategy for Korean Companies”

l  Date: 11/18, Tuesday, 14:00 – 17:05 (Registration starts at 13:30)

l  Venue: Renaissance Seoul Hotel 4F, Opal Room (Map below)

l  Sessions & Speakers:

Session 1: Injunctions in IP cases after the United States Supreme Court decision in eBAY, Inc. v. MercExchange, LLC (2006)

1) How did the US Supreme Court eBAY decision impact prior law as it relates to the granting of injunctions in IP cases?

2) How have lower courts applied the eBAY decision to recent patent, trademark and copyright cases?

3) How can a plaintiff which proves infringement increase the likelihood of obtaining a permanent prospective injunction against further infringement

4) What recourse against future infringement is available in patent, trademark or copyright cases if the court denies a prevailing plaintiffs request for a permanent injunction after a verdict and/or judgment of infringement ?

By Allan Gabriel (Director of IP Department), Vivian I. Kim (Associate in the Los Angeles office) from Dykema


Session 2: Border controls in IP cases in foreign jurisdictions and Strategies thereto of Korean Companies

This session will provide the brief explanation about various border controls which Korean companies are recently confronting in foreign jurisdictions including US and EU, and the comparison among them.

And this session also will suggest practice tips with which Korean companies can take for effective responses against them.

By Won H. Cho (Partner, IP Practice Group), Tae Guen Kim (Senior Associate, IP Practice Group) from BKL


Session 3: eDiscovery Readiness for IP Litigation

This presentation will provide a guideline for how to prepare for potential litigation from the perspective of cost saving and risk prevention.

The session will help you to understand where the risk points lies during the eDiscovery process, includes standard procedure activating organizational response for litigation, essential components of management system, considerations to avoid sanctions and etc.

By Sunny Hongsun Yoon (Risk Consulting manager) from UBIC Korea


l  Map


IP Seminar Map.JPG



IP Litigation trend invitation.jpg

IP Litigation Seminar View.jpg

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게시물 검색

사단법인 인하우스카운슬포럼 In-House Counsel Forum

주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 625, 17층 | 고유번호 : 107-82-14795| 대표자 : 박철영| 대표전화 : 02-6091-1998

E-mail : reps@ihcf.co.kr


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