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[White & Case] White & Case Ranks #1 in the United States, in Europe and Globally for M&A in Q1 2016

페이지 정보

작성일16-04-08 14:37



White & Case ranked Number 1 in value for global M&A in the first quarter of 2016 for advising on 

56 announced deals totaling more than US$150 billion, according to Bloomberg M&A Advisory 

League Tables published April 1.

Bloomberg also ranked White & Case:

  • Number 1 in the United States by value for advising on 35 announced deals with an aggregate value of
    more than US$103 billion
  • Number 1 in Europe by value for advising on 35 announced deals with an aggregate value of more
    than US$98 billion
  • Number 1 for cross-border M&A by value for advising on 45 deals with an aggregate value of more
    than US$139 billion

We share this recognition with our valued clients and friends of the Firm and thank you for entrusting 

us as your legal counsel on M&A and other complex transactions around the world.

For more information please visit: http://www.whitecase.com/firm/awards-rankings/ranking/white-case-ranks-1-united-states-europe-and-globally-ma-q1-2016



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