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[White & Case] US M&A Thought Leadership

페이지 정보

작성일16-02-04 17:13



Our report into the US M&A market in 2015 is being published today. Our findings include:

·        US deal values at a record annual high at US$1.98 trillion

·        Deal values up 71 percent compared with 2014

·        US M&A has nearly half of total share global M&A value

·        Technology is the top buyout sector for private equity by value

We analyze the conditions that drove this buoyant market and consider the drivers that are likely to influence its performance in 2016.

Separate sections in the report take in-depth looks at private equity and the year’s most active sectors. An in-focus piece also considers the degree to which US leveraged lending guidelines contributed to the downturn in M&A activity among private equity firms. 

Read the report (mobile-friendly version)

Download the report (print version)


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