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[White & Case] M&A Thought Leadership

페이지 정보

작성일16-07-29 09:30


The frenzied pace of US M&A in 2014 and 2015 has calmed significantly in the first half of the year, returning the

market to sustainable and familiar levels. Our report considers the factors driving the market, the external

economic and political factors, as well as the impact of regulatory issues on investor confidence. Dedicated

sections look in-depth at the comparative performance of different industry sectors and how market conditions

are impacting these sectors. As interest in FinTech grows an in-focus piece takes a look at the opportunities

in the sector. Our side bars offer insights to foreign bidders looking to acquire a US public company, as well

as other drivers of M&A, including shareholder activism, tax inversions, and the upcoming election in the

United States. Please click here to read the report.


For more information, please contact White & Case’s Seoul office.



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